Student Individualized Plan
Student Name: | Student A#: |
Plan Developed by: | Date: |
Division Dean Approval: | Date: |
Records Office: | Date: |
Major Field Core (List Individual Courses)
18 Credit hours minimum from core of any two (minimum 6 credit hours from any one) existing degrees or technical certificate programs
Degree or Certificate Program 1: | | | | |
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Degree or Certificate Program 2: | | | | |
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Completion Pathway Courses (List Individual Courses)
25-27 Credit hours from the same two programs/certificates as above or Common Course libraries
General Education Core Requirements* (List individual courses)
15 - 17 Credit Hours
*General Education Options:
Humanities/Fine Arts Requirement - Take one course from ART 1035 , ART 2000 , ART 2020 , ENGL 2160 , ENGL 2860 , HUM 1010 , HUM 1020 , MUS 1030 , PHIL 1030 , PHIL 1040 , PHIL 2200 , THEA 1030 . Literature Options: ENGL 2055 , ENGL 2130 , ENGL 2235 , ENGL 2310 , ENGL 2320 .
Natural Science/Math Requirement - Take one course from ASTR 1030 , BIOL 1010 , BIOL 1020 , BIOL 1080 , BIOL 1110 , BIOL 1120 , BIOL 2010 , BIOL 2020 , CHEM 1110 , CHEM 1120 , ESCI 1010 , ESCI 1020 , MATH 1010 , MATH 1130 , MATH 1530 , MATH 1630 , MATH 1710 , MATH 1720 , MATH 1730 , MATH 1830 , MATH 1910 , PHYS 2010 , PHYS 2020 , PHYS 2110 , PHYS 2120 , PSCI 1030 .
Social/Behavioral Science Requirement - Take one course from ANTH 1230 , ANTH 1430 , COMM 1010 , ECON 2100 , ECON 2200 , GEOG 2010 , PHED 2120 , POLS 1010 , POLS 1030 , POLS 2025 , POLS 2035 , PSYC 1030 , PSYC 2130 , SOCI 1010 , SOCI 1040 , SOCI 2010 .
Additional General Education course (from options above or COMM 2025 )
For Assistance with academic plans contact:
Academic plans involving fields within the Business and Technology Division: or 931.540.2710 or Warf Building 111 (Columbia Campus)
Academic plans involving fields within the Health Sciences Division: or 931.540.2599 or 931.540.2600 or Walter Building 112 (Columbia Campus)
Academic plans involving Film Crew Technology:
David Smith at or 615.790.4410 or FHUM 226 (Williamson Campus)