2023-2024 Catalog and Student Handbook 
    Mar 02, 2025  
2023-2024 Catalog and Student Handbook [Archived Catalog]

General Technology, A.A.S.

The Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) in General Technology prepares students for positions in the workplace for which specified degree programs do not currently exist. The student must meet with an advisor to prepare an individualized plan. Once the plan is approved, the student's major will be changed to General Technology and the plan built into a degree audit.

AAS General Technology Academic Plan - Total Credit Hours 61

Program Requirements - Students may be required to take additional Learning Support courses.  Courses cannot be used more than once to satisfy program requirements. The curriculum developed within this framework must be clarified in an individualized plan, established with guidance from an assigned advisor. The establishment of an approved individual academic plan as early as possible is critical.

Student Individualized Plan

Student Name: Student A#:
Plan Developed by: Date:
Division Dean Approval: Date:
Records Office: Date:


Major Field Core (List Individual Courses)
18 Credit hours minimum from core of any two (minimum 6 credit hours from any one) existing degrees or technical certificate programs

Degree or Certificate
Program 1:
Degree or Certificate
Program 2:


Completion Pathway Courses (List Individual Courses)
25-27 Credit hours from the same two programs/certificates as above or Common Course libraries

COLS 101   Credits: 1        
GENT 291  Credits: 1        


General Education Core Requirements* (List individual courses)
15 - 17 Credit Hours

ENGL 1010  Credits: 3        

*General Education Options:

Humanities/Fine Arts Requirement - Take one course from ART 1035 , ART 2000 , ART 2020 , ENGL 2160 , ENGL 2860 , HUM 1010 HUM 1020 MUS 1030 PHIL 1030 PHIL 1040 PHIL 2200 THEA 1030 . Literature Options: ENGL 2055 , ENGL 2130 , ENGL 2235 , ENGL 2310 , ENGL 2320 .

Natural Science/Math Requirement - Take one course from ASTR 1030 BIOL 1010 , BIOL 1020 , BIOL 1080 , BIOL 1110 , BIOL 1120 , BIOL 2010 , BIOL 2020 , CHEM 1110 , CHEM 1120 , ESCI 1010 , ESCI 1020 , MATH 1010 , MATH 1130 , MATH 1530 , MATH 1630 , MATH 1710 , MATH 1720 , MATH 1730 , MATH 1830 , MATH 1910 , PHYS 2010 , PHYS 2020 , PHYS 2110 , PHYS 2120 , PSCI 1030 .

Social/Behavioral Science Requirement - Take one course from ANTH 1230 ANTH 1430 , COMM 1010 , ECON 2100 ECON 2200 GEOG 2010 , PHED 2120 POLS 1010 POLS 1030 POLS 2025 POLS 2035 PSYC 1030 PSYC 2130 SOCI 1010 SOCI 1040 SOCI 2010 .

Additional General Education course (from options above or COMM 2025 )

For Assistance with academic plans contact:

Academic plans involving fields within the Business and Technology Division:
BusTech@columbiastate.edu or 931.540.2710 or Warf Building 111 (Columbia Campus)

Academic plans involving fields within the Health Sciences Division:
HealthSciences@columbiastate.edu or 931.540.2599 or 931.540.2600 or Walter Building 112 (Columbia Campus)

Academic plans involving Film Crew Technology:
David Smith at david.smith@columbiastate.edu or 615.790.4410 or FHUM 226 (Williamson Campus)