2021-2022 Catalog and Student Handbook 
    Feb 18, 2025  
2021-2022 Catalog and Student Handbook [Archived Catalog]

Radiologic Technology, A.A.S.

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Major in Radiologic Technology (A.A.S.)

Sample Academic Plan - Total Credit Hours: 75

Students must be accepted into the Radiologic Technology program before they can register for RADT courses.  Program Requirements - Students may be required to take additional Learning Support courses.  Courses cannot be used more than once to satisfy program requirements.

Summer Semester (Second Program Semester) - Credit Hours: 11

Summer Semester (Fifth Program Semester) - Credit Hours: 10


2Humanities/Fine Arts Requirement - Select from ART 1035 , ART 2000 , ART 2020 , ENGL 2160 , ENGL 2860 , HUM 1010 HUM 1020 MUS 1030 PHIL 1030 PHIL 1040 PHIL 2200 THEA 1030 . Literature Options: ENGL 2055 , ENGL 2130 , ENGL 2235 , ENGL 2310 , ENGL 2320 .

5Social/Behavioral Science Requirement - Select from ANTH 1230 ANTH 1430 , COMM 1010 , ECON 2100 ECON 2200 GEOG 2010 , PHED 2120 POLS 1010 POLS 1030 POLS 2025 POLS 2035 PSYC 1030 PSYC 2130 SOCI 1010 SOCI 1040 SOCI 2010 .

*Biology and math courses must have been completed no more than five years prior to start of the program and must be a grade of "C" or higher.

Readmission/Transfer Students: See details in catalog. All RAD courses must be repeated if three or more years have elapsed since prior enrollment.

All courses listed must be successfully completed during or prior to the semester listed in the sample academic plan for the degree. Individual academic plans are developed for students unable to enroll in all of the required general education courses during the first semester of enrollment due to learning support deficiencies. This may extend the timeline to degree completion beyond six semesters.

Requirements for Graduation Include:

  1. Earn 25% of total program credits in residence at Columbia State.
  2. Earn a GPA of at least 2.0 in program courses.
  3. Earn a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher.
  4. Take the Exit Exam required by Columbia State.

Students and advisors should run a degree audit from myChargerNet each semester to confirm classes are applicable to the program of study.

For more information contact:
radtech@columbiastate.edu or Health Sciences Division office at 931.540.2600 or 931.540.2599
Detailed information is available via www.columbiastate.edu/radiologic-technology


Admission and Continuation/Retention Requirements

Radiologic Technology is a health profession that involves producing diagnostic images of patient's internal structures for use by the radiologist or referring physician in diagnosing medical problems and disorders. As a professional, the radiographer is required to observe the ethical and professional standards expected of all persons involved in caring for patients in health care settings.

The total program is 24 months in length and requires clinical and didactic competency as outlined in the curriculum. Clinical competency is obtained through completion of practicum objectives in approved clinical education settings throughout middle Tennessee. Transportation to and from clinical education settings is the sole responsibility of each individual student.

Program enrollment is limited by clinical education settings capacity and interview or admission is not guaranteed. Formal interviews with the Radiologic Technology Advisory Committee are held in November each year. New classes begin spring semester. Applicants are required to enroll and successfully complete RADT 1100 Introduction to Medical Imaging, during the fall semester prior to formal interviews. All required program application materials must be submitted to program officials/health sciences division personnel no later than October 15. Applicants with the highest academic potential scores and screening scores who have completed all admission requirements will be considered for interviews with the advisory committee.

Following the formal interviews applicants will be notified of their admission status by the Radiologic Technology department. Those students accepted to the program will receive instructions on how to complete the Health Requirements for clinical access clearance prior to the initial clinical experience in the first summer term.

Upon satisfactory completion of the program, students are awarded the Associate of Applied Science degree and are eligible to apply for the certification exam by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT).


The Radiologic Technology Program is fully accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT). Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology, 20 N. Wacker Dr., Suite 2850, Chicago, IL 60606-3182, 312.704.5300 • www.jrcert.org

Accreditation guidelines concerning program requirements, standards, general information, etc., are contained in the Standards for an Accredited Educational Program in Radiologic Sciences published by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) and available in faculty offices and accessible via the JRCERT website at www.jrcert.org. The Standards and additional program information are available in the Radiologic Technology Applicant Handbook located online at www.columbiastate.edu/radiologic-technology.

Mission Statement

We endeavor to provide educational experiences leading to success, professionalism, and opportunity in the radiologic sciences.

Fulfillment of the program's mission is assessed by the degree to which the following goals and outcomes are achieved by students, graduates, and/or the program:

Goal 1: Students will demonstrate clinical competence in the performance of diagnostic radiographic procedures

1.1 Students will accurately position patients for radiographic examinations.
1.2 Students will select appropriate exposure factors for radiographic exams.
1.3 Students will apply the principles of radiation protection to the patient, self and others.

Goal 2: Students will demonstrate communication skills

2.1 Students will utilize acceptable verbal skills in the clinical setting.
2.2 Students will demonstrate oral and written communication skills.

Goal 3: Students will develop critical thinking and problem solving skills applicable to radiography

3.1 Students will modify routine imaging parameters based on patient condition and environmental conditions.
3.2 Students will evaluate images for diagnostic quality.

Goal 4: Students will exhibit professionalism

4.1 Students will exhibit desirable work ethic behaviors.
4.2 Students will develop the habit of lifelong learning.

Goal 5: Graduates will contribute to the needs of the medical imaging community

5.1 Students will complete the program within the scheduled time frame
5.2 Graduates will successfully complete the national certification examination.
5.3 Graduates will accept positions in radiography and related modalities.
5.4 Graduates will express satisfaction with their radiography education.
5.5 Employers will express satisfaction with graduates as entry-level radiographers.

The program mission and goals are consistent with the mission and goals of the college. Achievement of the goals are measured by the program's Outcomes Assessment completed annually.

Admission Requirements

  1. Meet all college general requirements for admission as a degree-seeking student as stated in the catalog and be admitted to the college.
  2. Review "Programs with Special Admissions Requirements," in the Columbia State Catalog.
  3. Complete all entrance examinations such as ACT/SAT or placement exam as required by the college prior to fall semester.  Applicants must demonstrate proficiency in reading, writing, and math based on examination scores, completion of Learning Support courses, or prior college credit.
  4. Have earned a grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 or above on a 4.0 scale for required academic subjects.  The high school GPA is used for students who have earned less than 12 college credit hours.  An applicant with no high school GPA must have an average standard score of at least 450 on the GED® or 45 on the HiSET®.
  5. Enroll in and successfully complete RADT 1100, Introduction to Medical Imaging with a grade of "C" or better. This course will provide an overview of the Radiologic Technology program at Columbia State along with the profession. All application materials will be provided in the course and explained in detail. Applicants will also have an opportunity to observe in a Radiology department as well as explore the many opportunities available to registered Radiographers. *The same course at another TBR institution would be accepted as transfer. Applicants transferring this course should contact a faculty member for an appointment to review the application process and obtain an application packet.
  6. All program application materials must be submitted to program officials/health science division office personnel no later than October 15 to be considered for a formal interview with the Radiologic Technology advisory committee.
  7. Applicants must be able to physically manipulate and operate equipment, manipulate patients, and visually assess patients, test results, and the working environment. They must be able to clearly communicate, both verbally and in writing, make appropriate judgment decisions in emergency or other situations, and demonstrate emotional stability and psychological health in day-to-day interaction with patients, their family members, and personnel.
  8. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, students are encouraged to register with the Office of Counseling/Disability Services for possible assistance with accommodations. It is the student's responsibility to voluntarily and confidentially provide appropriate documentation regarding the nature and extent of a disability. Students requesting special accommodation are (strongly) encouraged to contact the counseling/disability services office at the beginning of the semester.
  9. College credit for Human Anatomy & Physiology I & II and approved math courses must be current within five years of the application deadline to count toward the Radiologic Technology degree or the course(s) must be repeated. Please check Radiologic Technology curriculum for approved math courses.
  10. If an applicant is admitted to the program, this admission will be contingent on successful completion of required general education courses during the fall semester prior to admission.

Completion of the items listed above denotes consideration for an interview but in no way implies or guarantees an interview or admission to the program.

Once admitted, students are required to submit documentation of the following clinical access requirements prior to the first day of clinical assignment. If the documentation is not completed on time, students will not be permitted to go to clinic and may be forced to withdraw from the program.

  1. Health Requirements: All radiologic technology students must submit evidence of good health by returning a completed Physical Examination form. Forms are given to the student upon acceptance into the program. All students must have a:
    1. Documented negative TB skin test and/or chest x-ray yearly. TB skin tests must be within three months of the start of the program.
    2. Evidence of Immunity for:
      1. MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella): titer lab report verifying immunity OR documentation of two (2) MMR vaccinations.
      2. Varicella zoster (chicken pox): titer lab report verifying immunity, documentation of disease (month and year of occurrence validated by a medical provide), OR documentation of two (2) Varicella vaccinations.
      3. Tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis booster within the past ten years.
      4. Hepatitis B: documentation of the Hep B vaccine series (completed or in progress) OR titer lab results verifying immunity.
      5. Seasonally current Influenza immunization
  2. CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) Requirements: All admitted students must have evidence of current BLS (Basic Life Support) Provider certification compliant with American Heart Association (AHA) standards. Inclusion of two-person CPR and AED (Automatic Electronic Defibulator) use is required. In order to meet clinical affiliate expectations, AHA HeartCode® (blended learning) nor HeartSaver® are accepted. BLS classes are available through numerous providers and are periodically offered by Columbia State through the Workforce and Continuing Education office. Certification must be maintained continuously for the duration of enrollment.
  3. Malpractice insurance is required for all radiology clinical practicum courses. A group policy is available with fees assessed annually as a part of the registration.
  4. Health insurance is required. Students must provide evidence of health insurance coverage before clinical assignments may begin.
  5. Criminal background checks and routine drug screens are required at most affiliated clinical training sites as a condition of participation in clinical education. Based on the results of these tests, an affiliated clinical site may determine to not allow your presence at their facility. This could result in the inability to successfully complete the requirements of a specific course and the program. More information is available from the program director.

Criminal background checks and routine drug screening are requirements at most affiliated clinical training sites. Based on the results of the criminal background check or drug screen, an affiliated clinical site may determine to not allow a student's presence at their facility. This could result in the inability to successfully complete the requirements of a specific course and the program. More information is available from the program director.

Notice of Felony or Misdemeanor Convictions

The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) has stringent rules regarding misconduct and eligibility to take the national registry exam. The ARRT offers an Ethics Review Pre-Application as an early ethics review of violations that would otherwise need to be reported on the Application for Certification and Registration upon completion of an ARRT-recognized education program. The process is designed for those who are not yet enrolled in an ARRT-recognized education program or are enrolled in an ARRT-recognized educational program and are at least six months away from graduation. The Ethics Review Pre-Application may be used to report criminal proceedings including misdemeanor charges and convictions, felony charges and convictions, military court-martials, and/or disciplinary actions taken by a state or federal regulatory authority or certification board, and/or honor code violations. Program candidates may complete the pre-application review process with the ARRT prior to program enrollment to avoid delays and uncertainty regarding certification eligibility. The Ethics Review Pre-Application is downloadable from the Ethics section of ARRT's website at www.arrt.org or by phoning ARRT at 651.687.0048, ext. 8580.

In the event that a student or graduate of the Radiologic Technology Program is concerned about ARRT eligibility, it is the sole responsibility of the student or graduate to certify eligibility with the ARRT.

Admission Procedures

  1. Submit the following to the Admissions office.
    1. Completed Application for Admission to the College.
    2. Official college transcripts from all colleges previously attended.
    3. High school transcripts or High School Equivalency Diploma - HSE (GED® or HiSET®).
    4. ACT or SAT exam results.
  2. Enroll in and successfully complete RADT 1100, Introduction to Medical Imaging.
  3. Submit and complete program application forms provided in RADT 1100 or obtained from a faculty member.
  4. If an applicant does not meet the admission criteria, he/she will be notified in writing. If the applicant wishes to apply in the future, the application process must be repeated and new application documents submitted.

Continuation Requirements

In order to continue in the Radiologic Technology Program, students must meet the following academic requirements:

  1. Earn a "C" or higher in each radiologic technology course and each required math and science course.
  2. Maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0 after admission and prior to enrollment as well as during each term of enrollment in the program.
  3. Maintain professional conduct as outlined in the Radiologic Technology Student Policy Manual.
  4. Enroll in and successfully complete all required general education courses during (or before) the semester listed in the curriculum outline.
  5. Submit annual TB skin test results to the Health Sciences Records Clerk's office in the William R. Walter Bldg. on the Columbia campus.
  6. Maintain evidence of uninterrupted medical insurance coverage in designated program/institutional offices.

Students who do not meet the continuation requirements will be dismissed from the Radiologic Technology Program. Students who have been dismissed from the program may be qualified to continue courses in the College, but will not be permitted to register in radiology courses without readmission to the program.

Readmission Requirements

Only one readmission into the Radiologic Technology Program is permitted. Readmission into the Radiologic Technology Program after dismissal is not guaranteed, regardless of the reason for dismissal. A student who wishes to apply for readmission must do so, in writing, within 90 days of dismissal from the program. Regardless of the reason for dismissal, it is the sole responsibility of the student to request readmission in writing to the program director. The advisory committee for the Radiologic Technology Program will make a readmission decision after reviewing all student records and interviewing the student.

Due to the rapid change of technology in the field of radiology:

  1. If three or more years has elapsed since enrollment in the program, the radiology courses must be repeated.
  2. If five or more years have elapsed since previous college enrollment or completion of the following courses, these requirements apply:
    1. Anatomy and Physiology courses must be repeated.
    2. Required college level math course (Introductory Statistics or Precalculus) must be repeated.
    3. All current application/enrollment requirements will apply and must be met.
  3. A Conference Record form completed upon the student's dismissal from the program must be on file to be eligible for readmission.

Readmission Procedures

  1. Submit a written readmission request to the program director within 90 days of dismissal from the program.
  2. Provide written documentation to the Radiologic Technology Program director stating the reason(s) for withdrawal or failure and indicate actions the student has followed to ensure success in the program if readmitted. This documentation must be submitted before a student's application for readmission will be considered.
  3. The Radiologic Technology Program director will notify the student by mail when and where the interview will be held.
  4. The Radiologic Technology Program director will notify the student by mail of his/her readmission status once the readmission process has been completed.

Program enrollment is limited by clinical education settings capacity and readmission will be considered only if there are positions available within the class.

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