2021-2022 Catalog and Student Handbook 
    Feb 13, 2025  
2021-2022 Catalog and Student Handbook [Archived Catalog]

Campus Information and Services: A to Z

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Academic Advising

Incoming freshmen and transfer students with less than 24 semester credit hours will be advised by College Success Advisors at all Columbia State Community College campuses by appointment. Appointments can be made through the Navigate application for more information visit www.columbiastate.edu/navigate.  Currently enrolled and re-enrolling students who have been assigned to advisors are requested to contact their assigned advisors or division deans for assistance. Transient students should see an admissions recruiter or other campus based staff for direction. Please visit www.columbiastate.edu/advising-services for more information on advisors.

Student seeking advising on the Columbia campus during evening hours may contact the Evening Service Office, located in John W. Finney Memorial Library This office is open 4:15 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. (Monday - Thursday during the Fall and Spring semesters) or email EveningServices@ColumbiaState.edu or call 931.540.2662 for assistance scheduling an appointment with their assigned advisor.  Transient and dual enrollment students should see an admissions recruiter or other campus based staff for direction. Please visit www.columbiastate.edu/advising-services for more information on advisors.


Adding and Dropping Courses

You may officially add or drop course(s) within the times indicated on the academic calendar. To access the academic calendar, please visit www.columbiastate.edu and click on "Calendars" at the top of the home page, click on "Academic Calendar". Click on what term you are interested in. If you add classes, you may be subject to additional tuition and fees. The date on which you drop will affect the amount of refund to which you may be entitled. If you receive financial aid, contact the Financial Aid Office by emailing FinancialAid@ColumbiaState.edu or calling 931.540.8267, prior to dropping, as the change may have implications for your aid. You may visit www.columbiastate.edu/business-office/refunds-drops-withdrawals for more information on adding and dropping courses.


The Enrollment Services office serves individuals who are interested in enrolling at Columbia State by providing general enrollment information, admissions counseling, and campus tours. Additionally, this office is responsible for processing admissions, international, and residency applications. For complete details on admissions requirements see Admission to the College  . The Enrollment Services office is located in the Jones Student Center 103 on the Columbia campus. For more information on enrollment, visit www.columbiastate.edu/admissions or call 931.540.2790 or visit the nearest Columbia State campus.

Alcohol and Other Drugs

See Drug-Free Workplace and Campus


Students are expected to attend class regularly and on time. Refer to the course syllabus for specific guidelines.


The Follett Bookstores are located on the Columbia and Williamson Campuses. The hours of operation are 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, M-R and 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM on Friday. During busy periods and buy back times, the hours are extended. In addition to renting and selling textbooks, manuals and supplies for college courses, the bookstore also offers Columbia State clothing, laptops, tablets, convenience and gift items. The bookstore has the buy-back of used books and manuals as well. The Columbia Campus bookstore can be contacted by calling 931.540.2593 and the Williamson Campus bookstore at 615.790.4418. You may also visit www.columbiastate.edu/bookstore for more information.

Bulletin Boards and Sign Posting


Posters to be distributed on the Columbia campus must be approved by the Student Affairs office (Jones Student Center 147), or by a Coordinator at other Columbia State campus locations. Posters must include the name of the sponsoring organization, time, date, and location of the event. All notices should be on bulletin boards; not on doors, windows, or walls. It is the responsibility of the person or group to take down posters after the event has taken place.

Bulletin Boards/Digital Signage

The use of campus bulletin boards and digital signage is limited to affiliated individuals and groups and for official use by the institution.

Bulletin boards and digital signage may be designated for use by specific individuals or groups, such as faculty, students, student organizations, etc. Persons authorized to use a bulletin board, the types of materials which may be posted on a board, the maximum size and duration of any posters, and any other special conditions on use should be approved prior to the use of the board.

Approval for bulletin board and digital signage use is obtained in the Student Affairs office 147 on the Columbia campus or by the Campus Coordinator at other Columbia State campus locations. You are welcome to call Student Affairs at 931.540.2570 if you have any questions.

Business Services

The staff in Business Services is available to assist students and their families with information regarding financial accounts, fee payments, refunds, financial aid refunds, fines and citations. The Columbia office is in the Pryor Administration Building. Campus Coordinators, and staff at all other Columbia State campus locations also assist with business concerns. Please visit columbiastate.edu/business-office for more information. You may email the business office at businessoffice@ColumbiaState.edu or call 931.540.2530.

Campus Maps and Directions

With a service area spread over nine Middle Tennessee counties, providing equal access to all potential students calls for more than just one location. Columbia State has five locations. To access a map and/or directions to each campus location, you may visit www.columbiastate.edu/contact-us and select the campus of interest.

Campus Tours

Individuals or groups desiring campus tours can contact Enrollment Services to schedule a tour. If you wish to schedule a tour at one of our extended campuses, please contact the extended campus directly. Visit Columbia State Admissions webpage for more information.

Change of Major

Students who need to change majors should contact their Academic Advisor and complete the Change of Major form which is located on the Records Office webpage.  The advisor should submit the completed form to Enrollment Services, located in the Jones Student Center, Room 103 or email to processing@columbiastate.edu.

Change of Address

If you have a change of address, please be sure to update this information by Logging onto ChargerNet. Click on Student Tab, Select the "Personal Information" link from the Self Service box.

Child Care Services

Columbia State Community College does not provide child care services; however, in an effort to aid our students in locating child care assistance, the Student Affairs office has prepared a list of individual licensed providers. The list includes child care agencies near each of the Columbia State campus locations. Be aware that these listings are neither college-supervised nor college-inspected facilities. This information may be obtained in the Student Affairs office, located in the Jones Student Center Room 147 or in the coordinator's office on all other Columbia State campus locations.

Children on Campus

See Minors on Campus.


Columbia State hosts three commencement ceremonies annually to celebrate student success and program completion. One ceremony in December and two in the spring. The spring exercises in May are for students who complete degree requirements in May. Both ceremonies are held on the same day. The College holds two ceremonies to accommodate all of the students, as well as their families and visitors. Students who finish in summer or fall participate in the December ceremony.


Students or prospective students who wish to file a complaint about services rendered or about violations of the law should start with the level at which the complaint is rooted. If staff members in the department do not resolve the concern satisfactorily, students are at liberty to move through the chain of command until the issue is resolved.

Academic: Instructor → Dean → Vice President for Academic Affairs → President

Non-Academic: Director/Supervisor → Vice President for Student Affairs → President

Athletic: Athletic Director → Vice President for Student Affairs → President

Other Columbia State Campus Sites:

Coordinator/Supervisor → Dean → Vice President for Student Affairs → President

Complaints of Discrimination or Harassment should be submitted to:

Laura Jent
Director of Human Resources/Title VI and Title IX Officer
Columbia State Community College
1665 Hampshire Pike
Pryor 108H
Columbia, TN 38401

Students or prospective students who wish to file a complaint related to accreditation or regarding violations of state law not resolved at the institution may submit a Student Complaint Form to the Tennessee Board of Regents at One Bridgestone Park, Nashville, TN 37214 or by going online and filing out the Complaint Form electronically.  Under Tennessee's open records law all or parts of complaints will generally be available for review upon request from a member of the public.

Complaints regarding accreditation can also be made by contacting the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097, telephone 404.679.4500 or at www.sacscoc.org.

Complaints of fraud, waste, or abuse may be made by email at reportfraud@tbr.edu or by calling the Tennessee Comptroller's Hotline for Fraud, Waste, and Abuse at 1.800.232.5454. Veterans, Service members, and eligible dependents may report negative experiences with educational institutions through the online complaint system. The data entered into the system gives the federal government the information needed to identify and address unfair, deceptive, and misleading practices and ensure high quality academic and student support services are available at www.benefits.va.gov/GIBILL/Feedback.asp

Computer Account

Students are assigned an account for their use while attending Columbia State. Accounts are to be held private. Credentials such as usernames and passwords may not be shared with others. This account will provide the user with access to electronic mail and computer resources at Columbia State. This account is also used for access to Online Campus courses offered through Columbia State.


The Counseling Center offers students assistance with setting goals, stress management, time management, making the transition to college, test anxiety, campus and community referrals, and making connections to peer support. For more information on the Counseling Center website or call 931.540.2572. The Counseling Center on the Columbia campus, is located in the Jones Student Center, Room 142.

Disability Resource Center

The Disability Resource Center provides support services especially designed to meet the needs of students with disabilities, and provides reasonable accommodations, enabling students with disabilities to participate fully in campus life. To qualify for services, students must provide the department with official documentation of the disability and discuss their specific needs for each class. Subsequently, staff members make a determination to ensure equal educational opportunity within the academic and/or technical requirements of the program, based on an individual's specific disability.

Columbia State provides disability support services in a variety of ways. Examples of these services include, but are not limited to, coordinating community resources, provides information to faculty regarding approved accommodations, serving as an advocate for students, and securing special adaptive equipment and aids. These services are offered to assist students with disabilities on all campuses, in realizing their goals. Students needing accommodations are urged to contact the Disability Resource Center several weeks before a semester begins to allow time for special services to be arranged. For more information visit www.columbiastate.edu/disability-resources or call the Disability Services office at 931.540.2857. The Disability Services office is located in Room 152 in the Jones Student Center, on the Columbia Campus. On the Williamson Campus, the Disability and Resource office is located in FADM 135 or call 615.465.5722.

Distressed or Disturbed Students or Others

Columbia State is committed to providing a safe learning environment. All members of the Columbia State Community are encouraged to be alert to unusual or aberrant behavior of students, employees, visitors, contractors, or others. Therefore, any distressing, disturbing, threatening, or dangerous student behavior should be reported to the Vice President for Student Affairs or another College staff person. You can also report suspicious activity or bizarre behaviors of concern through the Incident Report Form. The person filling out this form can remain anonymous if they choose.

Report the incident as soon as possible. If there is perceived imminent danger, call 911 and then call Campus Security at 931.540.2700. Work with the staff person to complete an Incident Report so that it can be submitted to the Vice President for Student Affairs in the Jones Student Center, Room 147. If the incident occurred at another campus, contact the campus administrative staff.

After the Vice President for Student Affairs or other BIT team members receives the report, the Behavior Intervention Team conduct a safety assessment. The Committee assists in addressing situations where individuals are displaying dangerous or threatening behaviors that potentially impede their own or others' ability to function successfully or safely. Next, the Committee will develop an appropriate response plan that takes the nature of the behavior, the severity of the safety risk, and the needs of the individual into consideration. Individuals submitting reports should not expect detailed information about the disposition of their submission, as the issues may involve due process or confidentiality rights of the reported individual.

The Committee also acts as a clearinghouse for campus behaviors. A single event might not appear to be problematic. However, when the Committee recognizes a pattern of inappropriate behavior on the part of an individual across classes or other interactions, then they can take steps to assist the student and protect the campus community. Therefore, report every incident, even if the same individual has been reported previously.

Drug Free Workplace and Campus

Columbia State Policy 05:27:00 Drug Free Workplace and Campus applies to all Columbia State Community College employees, including faculty and students, in compliance with the provisions of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 (41 U.S.C. 701, et. seq.) and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 (20 U.S.C. 3171, et. seq.).

Purpose: To document Columbia State's commitment to be a drug-free workplace and campus and define consequences for individuals violating college policy concerning illicit drugs and alcohol.


I.   General

In accordance with local, state and federal law, Columbia State Community College students and employees are prohibited from engaging in the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, use of, or being under the influence of controlled substances, illicit drugs and/or alcohol on any Columbia State campus, or property owned or controlled by Columbia State, or as part of any Columbia State activity.

II.  Health Risks

  1. The use of alcohol can lead to serious health risks including:
    1. loss of muscle control, poor coordination, slurred speech
    2. fatigue, nausea, headache
    3. increased likelihood of accidents
    4. impaired judgment
    5. possible respiratory paralysis and death
    6. birth defects/fetal impairment
  2. Heavy drinking can lead to:
    1. alcoholism
    2. damage to brain cells
    3. increased risk of cirrhosis, ulcers, heart disease, heart attack, and cancers of liver, mouth, throat, and stomach
    4. hallucinations
    5. personality disorders
  3. Health risks associated with the use of illegal drugs include:
    1. increased susceptibility to disease due to a less efficient immune system
    2. increased likelihood of accidents
    3. personality disorders
    4. addiction
    5. death by overdose
    6. anemia
    7. poor concentration
    8. fetal impairment/addiction

III.   Counseling, Treatment and Rehabilitation Programs

The Counselor & Case Manager will assist students and the Human Resources office will assist employees by providing information concerning treatment resources in the surrounding area, and assisting individuals in making initial contact with treatment providers.

Regular employees may also use the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) by calling 1-855-437-3486 (1.855.Here4TN) seven days a week, 24 hours a day, or on the website at Here4TN. Information concerning the Employee Assistance Program is available in the Human Resources Office and the employee page of the college's internal web site.

IV.   Penalties for Violation

A.  Legal Sanctions Under Federal, State or Local Law

Various federal and state statutes make it unlawful to manufacture, distribute, dispense, deliver or sell, or possess with intent to manufacture, distribute, dispense, deliver, or sell controlled substances. The penalty imposed depends upon many factors which include the type and amount of controlled substance involved, the number of prior offenses, if any, and whether any other crimes were committed in connection with the use of the controlled substance. Possible sanctions include incarceration up to and including life imprisonment and imposition of substantial monetary fines. Tennessee statutes provide that it is unlawful for any person under the age of twenty-one (21) to buy, possess, transport (unless in the course of his or her employment), or consume alcoholic beverages, wine, or beer. Any violation of this law results in an offense classified a Class A Misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 11 months, 29 days, or by a fine of not more than $2,500, or both. The receipt, possession, or transportation of alcoholic beverages without the required revenue stamp is also a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment of not more than thirty (30) days, or a fine of not more than $50, or both.

B.  Students

In addition to penalties students may be subject to under local, state or federal law, students violating this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, including, but not necessarily limited to:

1. Probation
2. Suspension
3. Required participation in, and satisfactory completion of drug/alcohol counseling or rehabilitation programs
4. Expulsion from school

C.  Employees

In addition to penalties employees may be subject to under local, state or federal law, employees violating this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, including, but not necessarily limited to:

1.  Probation
2.  Suspension
3.  Demotion
4.  Required participation in, and satisfactory completion of drug counseling or rehabilitation programs
5.  Termination

As a condition of employment, employees, including student employees, must abide by the terms of this policy and must notify their supervisor of any criminal drug statute or alcohol abuse conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace, no later than five days after such conviction.


I.   Violations

  1.   Supervisor Notification of Human Resources

Any supervisor becoming aware of an employee violation of this policy, whether by virtue of notification by an employee of a conviction or by other means, will immediately notify the director of human resources.

 B.    Employees Funded by Federal Grants

The Director of Human Resources will notify the appropriate sponsor or granting agency within ten days after the College receives actual notice of an employee conviction.

II.  Dissemination of Policy

A.     Employees

1.    During new employee orientation, the Human Resources Office will direct new employees to read the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program (DAAPP) and Drug-Free Workplace and Campus Policy 05:27:00, and return a signed certification to Human Resources.

2.    Annually, Human Resources will send a copy of the DAAPP and Drug-Free Workplace and Campus Policy to all employees and adjuncts by email and encourage them to review the policy. Instructions on how to obtain a paper copy will also be included.

B.     Students

1.    Students will be provided a copy of the DAAPP in their orientation materials.

2.    As students register each semester, a system-generated email message will be sent providing consumer information which contains the DAAPP. The messages will be sent nightly and will provide a record of student receipt of this information.

III.  Developing and Updating the Program and Policy

A.    Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program (DAAPP)

The Vice President for Student Affairs is responsible for developing and updating the Columbia State Community College Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program (DAAPP) documentation, in accordance with the requirements of the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA) and Part 86 of the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR).

B.    Columbia State Drug Free Workplace and Campus Policy

The Director of Human Resources is responsible for developing and updating the Columbia State Drug Free Workplace and Campus Policy 05:27:00, in accordance with the requirements of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 or future Act revisions.

C.     Policy Review is to be completed annually in the month of December.

  1. Annual Review of Program

        A.     Purpose

An annual review of the DAAPP will be conducted to determine its effectiveness and to insure consistent enforcement of applicable drug and alcohol-related statutes, ordinances, and institutional policies against students and employees found to be in violation. The review will also identify any needed changes to the DAAPP.

        B.    Individuals Responsible for Review

    The annual review will be conducted by the College's Behavioral Intervention Team as appointed by the President.

        C.    Timing

    The committee will meet each year by May 31 to conduct the review for the academic year which ended in the prior year. The review process will conclude within 30 days of the first meeting.

        D.    Collection of Information Regarding Programs

1.   The Director of Human Resources will be responsible for maintaining a log of programs and activities related to drug and alcohol awareness programs for employees.

2.   The Vice President for Student Affairs will maintain a log of student programs and activities.

3.   The Director of Human Resources and Vice Presdient for Student Affairs will meet the Director of Facilities Services and Safety to provide information regarding the programs prior to the preparation of the campus security report each year.

V.   Biennial Report of Review Findings

A.  Content and Timing

In each even-numbered year, within 30 days of completing the review, the Vice President for Student Affairs and the Director of Human Resources will prepare a report of the findings for the two preceding academic years which will include:

1.   Statement of program goals and summary of goal achievement

2.   Activities implemented to achieve program goals and outcomes

3.   Analysis of strengths and weaknesses of the program

4.   A list of cases and the disposition of each case

5.   Procedures for distributing the policy and program information to employees and students along with copies of the information that was distributed

6.   Recommendation for revisions to the program

  1.   Approval

  The Biennial Report will be approved and signed by the President of the College.

  C.  Distribution

The Vice President for Student Affairs will send the request to the Communications Office to post the report to the Consumer Information webpage. The exact URLS or PDF documents to be linked will be sent with the request.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Columbia State Community College strictly prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession, use, or abuse of alcohol and illicit drugs on all Columbia State campuses, any off- campus site, and at any College functions at off-campus locations. All employees and students are subject to applicable federal, state, and local laws related to this matter. Additionally, any violation of Columbia State's Drug-Free Workplace and Campus Policy will result in disciplinary actions as set forth in Columbia State student disciplinary rules in the Student Handbook and in Columbia State Policies and Procedures.

Legal Sanctions

Various federal, state, and local statutes make it unlawful to manufacture, distribute, dispense, deliver, sell, or possess with intent to manufacture, distribute, dispense, deliver, or sell controlled substances. The penalty imposed depends upon many factors, including the type and amount of the controlled substance involved, the number of prior offenses, if any, whether death or serious bodily injury resulted from the use of such substance, and whether any other crimes were committed in connection with the use of the controlled substance. Possible maximum penalties for a first-time violation include imprisonment for any period of time, up to a term of life imprisonment, a fine of up to $4,000,000 if an individual supervised release, any combination of the above, or all three. These sanctions are doubled

  • the distribution or possession at or near a school or college campus, or
  • distribution to persons under 21 years of age.

Repeat offenders may be punished to a greater extent as provided by statute. Further, a civil penalty of up to $10,000 may be assessed for simple possession of "personal use amounts" of certain specified substances under federal law. Under state law, the offense of possession or casual exchange is punishable as a Class A misdemeanor. If there is an exchange between a minor, the offense is classified as a felony as provided in T.C.A. 39-17-417, (21 U.S.C. 801, et. seq.; T.C.A. 39-17-417).

It is unlawful for any person under the age of twenty-one (21) to buy, possess, or transport alcoholic beverages for any purpose, unless it is in the course of employment. It is further an offense to provide alcoholic beverages to any person under the age of twenty-one (21). These offenses are classified as Class A misdemeanors (T.C.A. 39-15-404) and are punishable by imprisonment no greater than eleven (11) months and twenty-nine (29) days, or a fine not to exceed two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500), or both, unless otherwise provided by statute. The offense of public intoxication is a Class C misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment of not more than thirty (30) days or a fine of not more than $50, or both (T.C.A. 39-17-310).

Institutional Sanctions

Columbia State will impose the appropriate sanction(s) on any employee or student who fails to comply with the Columbia State's Drug-Free Workplace and Campus Policy.

Employees - See Columbia State Policies 05:27:00 Drug-Free Workplace and Campus and 05:22:00 Employee Conduct

As a condition of continued employment, each employee, including student employees, must abide by the terms of Columbia State's Drug-Free Workplace and Campus Policy, and must notify their department head/supervisor of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such conviction. A conviction includes a finding of guilt, a plea of nolo contendere, or imposition of a sentence by any state or federal judicial body. Any employee who fails to report a conviction will be subject to disciplinary sanctions. Possible disciplinary sanctions for failure to comply with this policy, including failure to notify of conviction, may include one or more of the following:

  • termination

  • suspension

  • mandatory participation in and satisfactory completion of a drug/alcohol abuse program or rehabilitation program

  • recommendation for professional counseling

  • referral for prosecution

  • letter of warning; and/or

  • probation

Students - See Columbia State Policy 05:27:00 Drug-Free Workplace and Campus and Student Handbook

Possible disciplinary sanction for failure to comply with the terms of Columbia State's Drug-Free Workplace and Campus Policy, including failure to notify of conviction, may include one or more of the following:

  • expulsion

  • suspension

  • mandatory participation and satisfactory completion of a drug/alcohol abuse program or rehabilitation program

  • recommendation to professional counseling

  • referral for prosecution

  • probation

  • warning and/or

  • reprimand

Health Risks Associated with the Use of Illicit Drugs and the Abuse of Alcohol


Alcoholism is a complex, progressive disease that interferes with health, social, and economic functioning. Untreated alcoholism results in physical incapacity, permanent mental damage, and/or premature death. Alcohol is involved in one-third of all suicides, one-half of all traffic accidents, and one-fourth of all other accidents, and is involved in over 50% of all arrests.  Alcohol is the third leading cause of birth defects involving mental retardation. Use during pregnancy may cause spontaneous abortion, various birth defects, or fetal alcohol syndrome.

Drinking is implicated in cancer, heart disease, gastrointestinal disease, and other illnesses. Alcoholism has been estimated to reduce life expectancy by twelve years. Beverage alcohol can damage all body organs, leading to liver, heart, and digestive problems, circulatory system interference, change in personality, reproductive problems, and central nervous system disorders such as poor vision, loss of coordination, memory loss, loss of sensation, mental and physical disturbances, and permanent brain damage. The physical and psychological changes that occur as a result of addiction to alcohol can pave the way for addiction to pharmacologically similar drugs.

Illicit Drugs

Columbia State's Counselor & Case Manager will assist students and/or employees by providing information concerning treatment resources in the surrounding area and in assisting individuals in making initial contact with treatment providers.  The Counselor & Case Manager can be reached at 931.540.2572. The office is located in Jones Student Center, Room 142.

Health insurance plans available to employees provide varying levels of coverage for alcohol and substance abuse programs.  For information on plan coverage, contact the Human Resources office.

Drug and Alcohol Resources Agencies:

Agency Web Address Telephone Number
Alcoholics Anonymous www.aa.org 615.831.1050
Buffalo Valley, Inc. (Hohenwald, TN) www.buffalovalley.org 800.447.2766
Centerstone Community Health Centers, Inc www.centerstone.org 800.681.7444 (crisis line)  888.291.4357 (information and appointments)
Cocaine Anonymous www.ca.org and www.tennca.org 310.559.5833
Employee Assistance Program www.Here4TN.gov 855.437.3486
Narcotics Anonymous www.nanashville.org 888.476.2482
Place of Hope www.placeofhopetn.org 931.388.9406
TN Department of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services www.tn.gov/mental/ 855.CRISIS.1
TN Crisis Center   855.274.7471
Williamson Cty Council on Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prevention, Inc. https://wcadctn.org Tennessee Redline 1.800.889.9789



Students may not receive phone calls at the College. In the event of an emergency, a student will be contacted in class to return a phone call. The caller will be asked the nature of the emergency in order to determine if the call warrants the student being removed from class. At the Columbia campus, all emergency messages should be directed to the Student Affairs office, located in the Jones Student Center, Room 147 or by calling 931.540.2570. Emergency messages should be forwarded to the administrative offices at all other Columbia State Community College Campus locations.


Emergency procedures are posted in all facilities at all Columbia State locations. During emergency situations, students are expected to stay calm, listen for instructions, and follow the designated procedures. For a complete listing of policies related to this area, please refer to the website at www.columbiastate.edu/emergency or contact the Student Affairs office at 931.540.2570.


Students have the opportunity to earn and learn while participating in campus and community work-study programs. Contact the Financial Aid Office for additional information by calling 931.540.8267. You may also visit www.columbiastate.edu/FinancialAid/types-of-financial-aid/work-study

Enrollment Services

Staff members in Enrollment Services focus on all of the processes that help students get off to a good start and record their academic career at Columbia State. Services include recruitment, admissions, records, and financial aid. The Enrollment Services office is located in the Jones Student Center, Room 103 on the Columbia Campus. You may contact Enrollment Services by calling 931.540.2790 or visit our website at www.columbiastate.edu/admissions

Evening Services

Evening services are provided at every Columbia State campus location. For more information on services, please visit columbiastate.edu/evening-services. You are welcome to email EveningServices@ColumbiaState.edu. For available services on other campus locations, contact the administrative office at the respective campus.

Financial Aid

The Financial Aid program is designed to help students who would find it difficult or impossible to attend Columbia State Community College without financial assistance. The College offers a comprehensive program of financial aid in the form of scholarships, part-time employment on campus and in the community, grants, loans, and Veterans benefits.

Columbia State places major emphasis upon financial need, academic achievement, character, and promise of future success. Although Columbia State will assist all qualified students as resources permit, aid should be viewed only as supplementary to the efforts of the family and student. Primary responsibility for financing an education lies with the student.

Information regarding who should apply for financial aid, the application process and types of financial aid can be obtained in the Financial Aid Office located in the Jones Student Center, Enrollment Services, room 103, or in the administrative office at all other Columbia State campus locations. For complete details on applying for financial aid, consult the current College catalog or visit the website at www.columbiastate.edu/FinancialAid. You may also call the Financial Aid Office at 931.540.8267 or email FinancialAid@ColumbiaState.edu.

The financial aid applicant is responsible for obtaining, completing, and filing each year the proper financial aid application on a timely basis. The applicant has the right to seek and receive full information and counsel from the director of financial aid located in the Jones Student Center, Enrollment Services, room 103 in regard to any financial aid matter. The applicant must, without exception, report any of the following changes to the Financial Aid office:

  • withdrawal from the college,
  • transfer to another college,
  • name change,
  • address change of student or parent if applicable.

If student loans have been received, an exit interview must be arranged with the Financial Aid Office when graduating or withdrawing from the college. Failure on the aid recipient's part to do exit counseling may result in a hold being placed on the student's record and refusal of future financial aid awards.

Food Services and Vending

A private contractor, whose purpose is to provide students with a quality food program, provides food service on the Columbia and Williamson campuses.

Vending machines are operated for the benefit of students, and are located in various facilities on all campuses. The cashiers at all campus locations are responsible for vending machine reimbursements. Cashiers on the Columbia campus are located in the Pryor Administration Building in the business office.


See Commencement.

Guns/Weapons on Campus

Under TBR Policy 07:01:00:00 Firearms and Other Weapons and in accordance with Tennessee State law, all firearms, including hunting weapons or weapons typically displayed in vehicle windows, shall be prohibited by students on school property. Students carrying or possessing a weapon of any kind shall be subject to felony charges with a maximum sentence of six years' imprisonment and a fine not to exceed $3000. This provision does not apply to officers in the county, city, or state charged with the enforcement of the laws of the state when in the discharge of their official duties.


Under Tennessee Board of Regents policy, Columbia State Community College assumes no responsibility for student housing. This institution is a commuter college and has no dormitories, fraternity, or sorority housing.

Even though the College is unable to assume responsibility for student housing, the College is vitally concerned with the welfare and well-being of all students, and desires that they have accommodations commensurate with their needs. A housing referral list, which includes apartments in the Columbia area, is available in the Student Affairs office located in the Jones Student Center, Room 147. You are welcome to call 931.540.2570 or email StudentAffairs@Columbiastate.edu to request the list be emailed to you.

Prospective students and parents should be aware that these listings are neither college-supervised nor college-inspected accommodations. Students should plan to arrive in the community in advance of final registration dates to find suitable housing.

Identification Cards

All students taking credit courses must obtain a student identification card. Identification cards are available at no charge from the Finney Memorial Library Basement, L02, on the Columbia campus or from the administrative office on other campus sites. Misplaced cards can be replaced. Identification cards should be retained for every semester of attendance; however, they must be revalidated each academic year. This card is required of students for identification, computer lab use, checking out library materials and some bookstore purchases. Additionally, it allows a student to attend all College activities open to the student body at no charge or at student rates.

Inclement Weather

In the event that classes are dismissed, canceled or otherwise closed due to weather conditions, appropriate notification will be given to local television and radio stations, and posted on the college website by visiting www.columbiastate.edu. Additionally, this information will be posted on the campus weather line at 931. 540.2515. Postings for all Columbia State Community College campuses will be made available at the specific campus location. An email will be sent to the columbiastate.edu email addresses of currently enrolled students in the event there is a change at any site/center/campus. Students attending noncredit classes should contact the Workforce and Continuing Education at 931.540.2660 for class cancellations.

In cases where Columbia State continues operations, students are encouraged to use their own discretion. If students are absent due to such conditions, they will be provided a reasonable opportunity to make up missed assignments.


Student health insurance is available through independent companies and is not sponsored by Columbia State Community College. Students interested in receiving more information about health insurance can contact Student Affairs located in the Jones Student Center, Room 147. You are welcome to call 931.540.2570 or email StudentAffairs@ColumbiaState.edu.


The John W. Finney Memorial Library provides access to the books, journals, newspapers, electronic resources, and other materials that support the curriculum and fulfill the information and research needs of the students, faculty and staff of the College. The library provides access to a range of information resources appropriate to the curriculum and other aspects of the College's mission. It offers appropriate reference and instructional services related to the library's materials and networks, and shares information resources reciprocally with other libraries and institutions in the area, state, region and nation.

The 23,900 square-foot Columbia facility, opened in 1972, is named for the late John Wesley Finney, a Columbia resident and member of the State Board of Education, whose leadership was instrumental in establishing a community college for this area. In 2018-2019 the library was renovated; now, in addition to providing reference and circulation services, the library houses the Tutoring and Learning Center, Trio Student Support Services, and Evening Services offices on the first floor. Information Technology is in the basement of the building. The first floor provides an enclosed Café with vending machines.  The open area on the first floor area has 50 computers, a print station, and information about campus events. Over 40 periodical titles are received, including scholarly journals, general interest magazines, and 5 local, state and national newspapers are available on the first floor. The popular collection, audio books and read, return, swap collections are on the first floor.

The second floor has 9 study rooms, which can be reserved upon arrival utilizing an electronic panel outside each room. Advanced room reservations can be scheduled at the circulation desk, by phoning 931.540.2560 or by emailing library@columbiastate.edu. The 30 seat computer lab can be reserved through Information Technology helpdesk@columbiastate.edu.

The second floor houses a reference collection, a circulating collection of 33,000 volumes, with strong holdings in history, literature, social sciences, and health sciences.  The library subscribes to over 90 research databases, including two electronic book collections, which can be accessed by students at all campus locations, or from any place with an internet connection.

The library offers individualized research assistance, as well as instructional classes and orientations, per appointment with a reference librarian, at all five campus locations. Through the inter-library loan service, books and other materials may be obtained from other libraries. During fall and spring semesters, Columbia library hours are 7:45am -7:45pm, Monday - Thursday, and 7:45-4:15 pm on Friday.

In addition to the library on the Columbia campus, libraries are maintained at the Clifton, Lawrence, Lewisburg, and Williamson campuses. Hours at these campus locations vary; check with each campus location individually for hours of operation.

For more information please visit www.columbiastate.edu/library.

You may call 931-540-2560 or email library@columbiastate.edu for more information.

Lost and Found

All articles found on the Columbia campus should be reported and/or brought to the Student Affairs Office, located in the Jones Student Center, Room 147, or to the administrative office at all other Columbia State Community College campus locations as soon as possible. A complete description of the lost item is required prior to being returned. All found articles will be dated and held for claim for three months. Any items not claimed within three months may be discarded.


Columbia State's mascot is the Charger, a strong, fast horse trained for battle.

Minors on Campus

Per Columbia State Policy 07:11:00 Visitors and Minors on Campus, students and employees are not approved to leave minors unsupervised on Columbia State campuses. Minors are not allowed to accompany parents to class without the prior approval of the instructor.

In certain circumstances, minors may be on campus for classes held for their benefit (programs for the academically talented, field trips, etc.). At such times, it is expected that the instructor or responsible adult will await their parents' arrival. It is the responsibility of the supervisor/instructor of these activities to explain these restrictions to the minors and to monitor the enforcement where feasible. In all circumstances related to minors on campus, it is the expectation of the institution that good judgment be exercised in preventing disruption of the learning environment.


All new degree-seeking first-time college students and transfer students are required to participate in the new student orientation program. Sessions are held throughout the year at each Columbia State location. This program provides students with information about registration, student enrollment, engagement and services, student activities, and College policies. For more information on new student orientation, please visit columbiastate.edu/admissions/orientation. You are also welcome to call the Department of Student Engagement at 931.540.2583, or email orientation@columbiastate.edu.


Pregnant students are afforded some protection under Title IX. If you are pregnant and need assistance, please contact the Title IX Coordinator.


The Records office, located in the Jones Student Center, Enrollment Services, Room 103, is responsible for student name change, social security number changes, change of registration forms, change of major forms, transcript requests, enrollment verifications, and final graduation evaluation and certification (including academic/technical certificates). Additionally, this office is responsible for the evaluation of college transcripts for transfer credit and external credit by exam evaluations (CLEP, CEEB-Advanced Placement, ACT, IAAP, and Military Service/Schools). MyChargerNet student registration-related problems may be reported to this office. For further information about records, please visit www.columbiastate.edu/records. You are also welcome to call 931.540.2581 or email Records@ColumbiaState.edu.

Safety and Security

The Department of Safety and Security at Columbia State Community College is committed to preserving a safe and secure environment for students of the College. The Columbia campus has security personnel on duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Students on all Columbia State campuses are expected to assume reasonable responsibility for personal safety. Use common sense safety practices such as:

  • walking in groups
  • reporting suspicious activities
  • keeping money, books and other personal items protected
  • locking car doors when leaving
  • wearing safety belts
  • observing speed limits
  • and generally being alert to personal welfare

These practices will help to preserve personal safety. Refer to additional safety information on the college website at columbiastate.edu/safety. The Emergency Preparedness Plan includes directions for bomb threats, natural disasters, and threats of violence and criminal behavior, among other things.

Smoking/Tobacco Use

Smoking and the use of mouth tobacco are prohibited in all indoor and outdoor Columbia State Community College-owned or leased venues and vehicles. Refer to the Columbia State Policy Number 07:17:00, Smoking and Tobacco Use, for additional information.

Smoking regulations will be enforced under the provisions of TBR Policy 3:02:00:01 General Policy on Student Conduct and Disciplinary Sanctions. This policy requires adherence to College and TBR regulations designed to protect the rights of all students from any conduct which constitutes a danger to any person's health or well-being. Violation of smoking regulations will be enforced through normal administrative student conduct policies.


No solicitation and/or sales related to or affecting students are permitted on the campus without securing prior approval from the Vice President for Student Affairs or his/her designee.

Student Center

The Jones Student Center is open on class days for the enjoyment of students. The facilities include dining and food services, the bookstore, and meeting rooms. The Student Center houses the Student Affairs Administration Office, Room 147, Enrollment Services, room 103 (A one stop location for enrollment, financial aid, records and admissions), Charger Center, Room 148, Disability Services, Room 147, Testing Services, Room 162, and the Student Government Association and Student Leadership office, Room 144.

The Jones Student Center is open from 7:45 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., M-R and 7:45 a.m. through 4:15 p.m. Friday, during regularly scheduled semesters. Arrangements for the use of meeting rooms in the Center are scheduled through the Student Affairs Office by calling 931.540.2570.

Student Consumer Rights Information

Columbia State Community College compliances with disclosure requirements under TITLE IV by providing specified information to prospective and current students, applicants and employees. For complete Student Consumer Rights Information visit www.columbiastate.edu/consumer-information. A hard copy of the information is available upon request to the Office of Student Affairs or the relevant office indicated.

Study Abroad/International Education

To improve international education and cultural awareness, Columbia State offers on-campus and field-based programs. Seminars, performances, and curricular offerings enrich campus life. Study abroad affords student participation in learning opportunities in other countries while earning college credit. Limited scholarships for qualified applicants are available. For additional information, please visit www.columbiastate.edu/StudyAbroad or contact the Director of International Education at 931.540.2875 or email lbenns@columbiastate.edu.

Testing Services

The staff in the Testing Services office is responsible for the administration of the ACT, ACCUPLACER®, Graduate Assessment, and various other group tests which assist students in planning their individual programs of study. Testing Services also provides CLEP®, Praxis, and Pearson Vue certification testing along with proctoring services on all campuses in support of DRC, Columbia State online programs, and TN eCampus proctoring programs.

Additionally, Columbia State is an official testing center for the HiSET® (High School Equivalency Test). Persons who have not received a high school diploma and wish to apply for a certificate of equivalency may take this test. Satisfactory scores on the test enable individuals to receive equivalency diplomas from the state of Tennessee.

For more information on testing services, call 931.540.2821 or visit www.columbiastate.edu/testing. For test proctoring information and testing services at the other Columbia State campus locations, please contact staff at the respective campus location or email TestingServices@ColumbiaState.edu.

Tuition and Fees

Columbia State is a state-funded, two-year college. Tuition and fees are governed by the Tennessee Board of Regents. Fees are set annually at the June meeting of the Board and are announced by July 1 of each academic year. For the most recent fees, please visit www.columbiastate.edu/business-office/tuition-and-fees or call the Business Office at 931.540.2530.

Tutoring and Learning Center

The Tutoring and Learning Center at the Columbia campus is located in the Finney Library 124, and the Tutoring and Learning Center at the Williamson campus is located in the Administration Building 323. The Tutoring and Learning Center is an academic tutoring and computer services facility designed to support the academic needs of students. The Tutoring and Learning Center provides both professional and peer tutoring, as well as professional online tutoring, free of charge to all Columbia State students. Services include tutoring for all levels of writing, math, and science. Questions regarding tutoring services should be emailed to tutoring@columbiastate.edu.

Also available in the Tutoring and Learning Center are many online tutorials and instructional programs, word processing, Internet access, email, and much more. For more information on the availability of tutors, software programs, and hours of operation, visit the Tutoring and Learning Center website at www.columbiastate.edu/TLC

Veterans' Financial Assistance

A Veterans Aid representative is available to assist eligible Veterans in the completion of necessary forms, program planning, and in making appropriate certifications to the Veterans Administration. For complete details about Veteran's benefits, please contact Denise Holman at dholman1@columbiastate.edu or 615.591.4180.

Refund schedule for Go Army tuition assistance (TA) repayment

Columbia State will follow the same general guidelines as Return to Title IV (R2T4 calculations) for Go Army tuition assistance (TA) program repayment for credit hour courses.  The following stipulations should occur:

  1. If withdraw is unofficial, withdraw will be 50% of term or the last date of assignment completion if that determination can be made.
  2. Days of administrative closings (5 or greater) and approved leaves of absence are included in the percentage of completion calculation.
  3. Percentage of completion is rounded to the 10th of a percent (for example 47.8%).
  4. If withdraw occur one week or less into term, repayment will be 100%.
  5. If completion of term is greater than or equal to 60%, no repayment is required.

Calculation of repayment will be as follows:

  1. Calculate % completion: ("Last day of class" less "First day of class") divided by ("Withdraw date" less "First day of class')
  2. Multiply completion % by TA (rounded to the nearest cent)


All nonstudent visitors to the College facilities must abide by the following regulations per Columbia State Policy 07:11:00 Visitors and Minors on Campus:

  • Nonstudent visitors may not be in laboratories or other hazardous areas (as defined by the College or individual College personnel) at any time unless they are escorted by a member of the College staff for brief business visits.
  • Nonstudent visitors may not be in any of the computer labs unless they are escorted by a member of the College staff for brief business visits.
  • All nonstudents must have instructor approval prior to visiting classrooms.

Voter Registration

One of the most precious rights and responsibilities U.S. citizens have is the right to vote for their leaders. In order to vote, you must be registered.

To register to vote:

  • You must be a U.S. Citizen
  • You must be a resident of Tennessee
  • You must be at least 18 years old on or before the next election, and
  • You must have not been convicted of a felony, or if you have, your voting rights must have been restored.

The voter registration form and information about registration requirements can be found at the Tennessee Secretary of State's website www.tn.gov/sos/elections.


Please visit our website at www.columbiastate.edu for more information about the Columbia State Community College. Policies, Academics, Campus Life, Athletics, Calendars, Employee Directory, Consumer Information and accessing Chargernet and Flickr photos. These are just a few of the many things you can see and link to by visiting the website.